
Pickled Vegetables

Vegetables Pickling is the process of preserving or expanding the lifespan of vegetables by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. The resulting food is called a pickled ...


Vegetables Pickling is the process of preserving or expanding the lifespan of vegetables by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. The resulting food is called a pickled vegetables, or to prevent ambiguity, prefaced with the adjective pickled. The pickling procedure will typically affect the food’s texture and flavor. When both salt concentration and temperature are low, Leuconostoc mesenteroides dominates, producing a mix of acids, alcohol, and aroma compounds. At higher temperatures Lactobacillus plantarum dominates, which produces primarily lactic acid. Many pickles start with Leuconostoc, and change to Lactobacillus with higher acidity.

And we in EL Salam Co. choose a suitable fruits for pickling and after sorting and washing we make sure they are free of various fungal diseases. Then the process of pickling and sorting and grading should be fruits are to be flossing homogeneous size medium to not damaged quickly by the bacteria before it is pickling has reached within the large ones and it must be put class all its own and to exclude the damaged ones, and then included by size and by color and the degree of maturity. And it would be better not to wash fruits unless they are heavily contaminated fruit, lest microbes go away on it and marinades that are in the soil or in the air, air or water.

Health Benefits

  • Choose pesticide-free organic over conventional

  • They're just as nutritious (or even more so) than fresh

  • They're mature - in a good way!

  • Pickling process are killing all kinds of bacteria